Got a great video you'd like to recommend for our site?

We'd love to hear about it!

Here's what we're looking for:

  • Passion for your topic! 
  • Engaging content!
  • Videos that are short -- 5 minutes or less.  (You can submit a series of videos as long as each video segment is 5 minutes or less.)
  • Videos that get right to the bottom line up front -- in the first 20 seconds of the video, introduce yourself and say what folks will learn by watching the video.  
  • 100% pure content.  No sales pitches.  No random fluff.  
  • No other bad stuff!  (No bad or offensive content.)  We want to keep things fun and positive here!

ready to SHARE?

Great!  Fill out your information below and we'll take a look at what you send (as long as it passes our virus scan and each video doesn't exceed 5 minutes).  You must be the owner of any videos you submit.  You don't have to pay anything for this, but you will need to agree to our Terms and Conditions.  If your video is large, you can save it into a cloud storage account (i.e. Google Drive, Dropbox) and then share the URL with us. 


Can't send a URL link? If your file is smaller than 25mb, use the form below to submit it.